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The DynaTrap Twist ON/OFF ½ Acre Decora Mosquito and Insect Trap makes eliminating insects simple. The non-toxic and poison-free trap delivers 3-way protection against mosquitoes, biting flies, wasps, and other flying insects. It’s sleek and stylish design blends seamlessly with your décor while the twist on/off feature ensures easy operation. Each trap provides protection up to ½ acre. Simply place on a flat surface or hang from a hook, twist the trap on, and let it do the work for you. The UV bulb uses warmth and light to attract insects while the trap’s durable coating attracts insects by emitting carbon dioxide, a powerful, odorless insect attractant. Once lured towards the trap, the whisper-quiet fan traps the insects inside and securely holds them until you’re ready to dispose of them.